The Long Tide

Saturday, February 2, 2013


January is one of my favorite months. It feels like one of the longest, and I’m glad for that. Devoid of expectation I can relax. The holiday season is over, with its wonderful festivities. There isn’t the desire or demand to connect with family and friends, as much as I love doing that. Spring hasn’t arrived. I’m not called outside to check on camellias and crocuses for their blooms, as much as I get excited doing that. And I’m not aching for the first hike in the foothills as much as that is my very thing to do. January is true winter, time for hibernation. Like my namesakes the bears, I fast for a number of days, living off the fat I accumulated over the holidays.  No food shopping, no cooking, no dishes, no eating: I have much time on my hands. I sleep a lot, nine hours a night if possible. I meditate and hang with Sam. I get to knit and sew. I read books. This year it was Trebbe Johnson’s “The World is a Waiting Lover”. 
What a title! I’m very inspired by it. Going out into the world, and with every step expect to meet the irresistible lover, the one who holds and penetrates me, like no other! One image that she painted in the book that stays with me: The longing of the lizard for the hot rock, and then finding that rock. What might resemble that rock for me, for you? (Maybe you want to read it even though it is already February.)

I wonder what you did in January, and how you liked it.

But now, it is February, Imbolc (pronounced Immolc). As of nightfall on January 31, we are now officially in the Celtic Springtime. Many blessings of abundant green shoot already. I planted the first spring flowers today, and ordered some munch. I’ll have my first yard work party on Monday, and by the end of the month I’ll be off to Anza Borrego State Park in Southern California for a soul-searching time with likeminded people. I can’t wait! The year has begun!

I would love to hear from you.

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